Wednesday, April 6, 2022

A Worthwhile Podcast to Follow

You must check this podcast out.

I do not say this lightly. Nisa Harris has created a podcast named Shomea V'Oneh - reading a chapter of Tehillim/Psalms - then follows it with a short explanation of that chapter. 

Tehillim is something special. They are prayers written and compiled by King David. It is incredible that we have something so amazing available to us. Some of those prayers are praising and thanking Gd, and some are ones we say when we are in need of help on a personal or national level. Every Jew should have this book on their shelf on home, alongside a Chumash (the 5 Books of Moses), and a Tzedukah box.

Click here to read her piece in The Layers Project Magazine.  I sincerely recommend reading this article written by Ms. Harris and following her podcast. 

1 comment:

Ask Teacher Pam said...

I was told of this podcast a while ago-- truly special and enlightening!